01. Mar. 2025
Mr. Jeyoung Lee, Mr. Sekwon Oh, Mr. Minsu Jeon, Mr. Gihoon Kim joined our lab as new members.
30. Jan. 2025
Congratulations! Mr. Yechan Park’s paper titled ‘RE-TRIP : Reflectivity Instance Augmented Triangle Descriptor for 3D Place Recognition’ was accepted in ICRA 2025.
30. Jan. 2025
Congratulations! Mr. Mangyu Kong’s paper titled ‘Fast Global Localization on Neural Radiance Field’ was accepted in ICRA 2025.
30. Jan. 2025
Congratulations! Mr. Seunghyun Baik’s paper titled ‘Detection of Human Traffic Controllers Wearing Construction Workwear via Synthetic Data Generation’ was accepted for publication in Sensors.
10. Dec. 2024
Congratulations! Mr. Kyusik Cho’s paper titled ‘Zero-Shot Scene Change Detection’ was accepted in AAAI 2025, Pennsylvania, USA.
07. Nov. 2024
Congratulations! Mr. Seongwon Lee’s paper titled ‘Correlation Verification for Image Retrieval and Its Memory Footprint Optimization’ was accepted in IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence.
07. Nov. 2024
Congratulations! Mr. DongYeop Kim’s paper titled ‘Mode Prediction and Adaptation for a Six-Wheeled Mobile Robot Capable of Curb-Crossing in Urban Environments’ was accepted in IEEE Access.
01. Oct. 2024
Congratulations! Mr. Suhan Woo’s paper titled ‘Location-Aware Transformer Network for Bird’s Eye View Semantic Segmentation’ was accepted in IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles.
01. July. 2024
Congratulations! Mr. Minseong Park’s paper titled ‘Decomposition of Neural Discrete Representations for Large-Scale 3D Mapping’ was accepted in ECCV 2024, Milan, Italy.
30. May. 2024
Congratulations! Dr. Hae min Cho’s paper titled ‘Finite-Plane Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (FP-SLAM): A New RGB-D SLAM Exploiting Inter-Feature Relationship’ was accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation & Measurement.
09. Apr. 2024
Congratulations! Mr. TaeYoung Kim’s paper titled ‘GRIL-Calib: Targetless Ground Robot IMU-LiDAR Extrinsic Calibration Method using Ground Plane Motion Constraints’ was accepted for publication in IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters.
01. Feb. 2024
Congratulations! Dr. Wonje Jang’s paper titled ‘Drivable Region Completion via a 3D LiDAR’ was accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems.
01. Mar. 2024
Mr. Jaewon Lee, Ms. Youjin Jeon, Mr. Seunghan Yu, Mr. Beomjun Kim joined our lab as new members.
01. Dec. 2023
Congratulations! Mr. Minho Cho’s paper titled ‘3D LiDAR Multi-Object Tracking with Short-Term and Long-Term Multi-Level Associations’ was accepted for publication in Remote Sensing.
15. Oct. 2023
Congratulations! Mr. TaeYoung Kim was ranked 4th Place in ICCV 2023 SLAM Challenge!
23. Aug. 2023
Congratulations! Mr. Mangyu Kong’s paper titled ‘RoomNeRF: Representing Empty Room as Neural Radiance Fields for View Synthesis’ was accepted in BMVC 2023, Aberdeen, UK.
10. Jul. 2023
Mr. Hongchan Jo and Mr.Sangho Kim joined our lab as new members.
15. Jun. 2023
Congratulations! Mr. Seongwon Lee was awarded the Encouragement Award in the Graduate School of Yonsei University Thesis Award.
24. Apr. 2023
We started a new research project titled “Surrounding environment recognition via machine learning-based sensor fusion” from 24. April. 2023. The research project is funded by HYUNDAI NGV. We really appreciate for the funding.
01. Apr. 2023
We started a new research project titled “Development of perception prediction technology based on Surround multi cameras for Lv.4 Autonomous Driving Vehicles” in collaboration with eintelligence, KATECH, KETI and other institutes from 1. April. 2023. The research project is funded by Keit. We really appreciate for the funding.
01. Mar. 2023
Ms. Kayeon Kim, Ms. YooJin Kim, Mr. Yechan Park, Mr. Jungmo Yang, Mr. Jinwoo Jang and Mr. Seokwon Choi joined our lab as new members.
28. Feb. 2023
Congratulations! Mr. Seongwon Lee’s paper titled ‘Revisiting Self-Similarity: Structural Embedding for Image Retrieval’ was accepted in CVPR 2023, Vancouver, Canada.
31. Jan. 2023
Congratulations! Ms. Haemin Cho’s paper titled “Dynamic Object-Aware Visual Odometry (VO) Estimation Based on Optical Flow Matching” was accepted for publication in IEEE Access.
6. Jan. 2023
Congratulations! Mr. Hongje Seong won the grand prize of BK21 Outstanding Graduate Student Award for Electrical and Electronic Engineering.
25. Nov. 2022
Congratulations! Mr. Junhyuk Hyun’s paper titled “Street Floor Segmentation for a Wheeled Mobile Robot” was accepted for publication in IEEE Access.
21. Nov. 2022
Congratulations! Mr. Seokbeom Song’s paper titled “SHUNIT: Style Harmonization for Unpaired Image-to-Image Translation” was accepted in AAAI 2023, Washington, DC, USA.
07. Nov. 2022
Congratulations! Mr. Seongwon Lee and Mr. Hongje Seong won the Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship 2022.
06. Nov. 2022
Congratulations! Ms. Suhyeon Lee’s paper titled “Fallen Person Detection for Autonomous Driving” was accepted for publication in Expert Systems With Applications.
11. Oct. 2022
Congratulations! Mr. Kyusik Cho’s paper titled “Domain Adaptive Video Semantic Segmentation via Cross-Domain Moving Object Mixing” was accepted in WACV 2023, Waikoloa, Hawaii.
25. Jul. 2022
Congratulations! Mr. Wonje Jang’s paper titled “Real-time Driving Scene Understanding via Efficient 3-Dimensional LIDAR Processing” was accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation & Measurement.
25. Jul. 2022
Mr. Mankyu Kong joined our lab as new members.
04. Jul. 2022
Congratulations! Mr. Hongje Seong’s paper titled “One-Trimap Video Matting” was accepted in ECCV 2022, Tel-Aviv, Israel.
01. May. 2022
Congratulations! Mr. Hongje Seong’s paper titled “Content Swapping: A New Image Synthesis for Construction Sign Detection in Autonomous Vehicles” was accepted for publication in Sensors.
27. Apr. 2022
Congratulations! Mr. Seunghyun Baik’s paper titled “Spatial-Channel Transformers for Scene Recognition” was accepted in IJCNN 2022, Padova, Italy.
01. Apr. 2022
We started a new research project titled “Development of core technology for mobile manipulator for 5G edge-based transportation and manipulation” in collaboration with KETI, SKKU and other institutes from 1. April. 2022. The research project is funded by IITP. We really appreciate for the funding.
28. Mar. 2022
Congratulations! Mr. Hongje Seong’s paper titled “Video Object Segmentation using Kernelized Memory Network with Multiple Kernels” was accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence.
02. Mar. 2022
Congratulations! Mr. Seongwon Lee’s paper titled “Correlation Verification for Image Retrieval” was accepted in CVPR 2022 (Oral Presentation), New Orleans, United States.
02. Mar. 2022
Congratulations! Ms. Suhyeon Lee’s paper titled “WildNet: Learning Domain Generalized Semantic Segmentation from the Wild” was accepted in CVPR 2022, New Orleans, United States.
01. Mar. 2022
Congratulations! Dr. Jhonghyun An joins the Department of AI-Software, Gachon University as a faculty member.
01. Mar. 2022
Mr. TaeYoung Kim, Mr. Doyeon Kim, Mr. Sangje Park and Ms. Suyeon Kim joined our lab as new members.
30. Dec. 2021
Mr. Kyusik Cho and Mr. Jangwon Oh joined our lab as new members.
07. Dec. 2021
Congratulations! Mr. Junhyuk Hyun’s paper titled “Adjacent Feature Propagation Network (AFPNet) for Real-Time Semantic Segmentation” was accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems.
03. Dec. 2021
Congratulations! Two papers are accepted for presentation at AAAI-22.
- M. Park et al., “Graph-Based Point Tracker for 3D Object Tracking in Point Clouds”
- Y. Lee et al., “Iteratively Selecting an Easy Reference Frame Makes Unsupervised Video Object Segmentation Easier”
02. Oct. 2021
Congratulations! Ms. Hae Min Cho’s paper titled “SP-SLAM: Surfel-Point Simultaneous Localization and Mapping” was accepted for publication in IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics.
01. Oct. 2021
We started a new research project titled “소형선박의 비전기술 탑재를 위한 딥러닝 기술 개발” from 01. Oct. 2021. The research project is funded by 아비커스(주). We really appreciate for the funding.
26. Jul. 2021
Congratulations! Mr. Hongje Seong’s paper titled “Hierarchical Memory Matching Network for Video Object Segmentation” was accepted in ICCV 2021. ICCV is one of the top-tier conferences on AI, and the conference will be held on Oct 10-16 in Montreal, Canada.
01. Jun. 2021
We started a new research project titled “머신러닝 기반 센서퓨전 주변환경 인식 기술 개발” from 01. Jun. 2021. The research project is funded by 현대엔지비(주). We really appreciate for the funding.
22. May. 2021
Congratulations! Mr. Wonje Jang’s paper titled “A Lane-level Road Marking Map using a Monocular Camera” was accepted for publication in IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica.
15. May. 2021
We started a new research project titled “ToF Depth 센서를 이용한 딥러닝 기반 image retrieval 기술 개발” from 15. May. 2021. The research project is funded by LG전자(주). We really appreciate for the funding.
19. Apr. 2021
Congratulations! Mr. Junhyuk Hyun’s paper titled “Universal Pooling - A New Pooling Method for Convolutional Neural Networks” was accepted for publication in Expert Systems With Applications.
01. Apr. 2021
We started a new research project titled “Development of multipurpose mid-size bus platform technology for automated driving based on predefined route” in collaboration with KATECH, a2z, Woojin and other institutes from 1. April. 2021. The research project is funded by KEIT. We really appreciate for the funding.
01. Apr. 2021
We started a new research project titled “Development of Driving Environment Data Transformation and Data Verification Technology for the Mutual Utilization of Self-driving Learning Data for Different Vehicles” in collaboration with KETI, Stryx and other institutes from 1. April. 2021. The research project is funded by IITP. We really appreciate for the funding.
27. Mar. 2021
Congratulations! Mr. Kwangyong Jung’s paper titled “Evidence-Theoretic Reentry Target Classification Using Radar: A Fuzzy Logic Approach” was accepted for publication in IEEE Access.
01. Mar. 2021
Congratulations! Dr. HyungGi Jo joins the Department of Electronic Engineering, Jeonbuk National University (JBNU) as a faculty member.
01. Mar. 2021
Mr. Minsung Kim, Mr. Seokjin Bang, Mr. Seunghyun Baik, Mr. Seokbeom Song and Mr. Junhyuk Jang joined our lab as new members.
03. Jan. 2021
Congratulations! Mr. Soowook Choe and Mr. Hongje Seong’s paper titled “Indoor Place Category Recognition for a Cleaning Robot by Fusing a Probabilistic Approach and Deep Learning” was accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics (TCYB). IEEE TCYB is ranked as the best in the category of COMPUTER SCIENCE, CYBERNETICS, and in the category of AUTOMATION & CONTROL SYSTEMS. The IF of IEEE TCYB is 11.079 in JCR2019. Mr. Choe and Mr. Seong contributed equally to this work.
9. Dec. 2020
We started a new research project titled “클라우드기반 도로객체인식 개발 PoC” from 1. Sep. 2020. The research project is funded by LGU+ through Soonchunhyang University. We really appreciate for the funding.
4. Dec. 2020
Prof. Kim was awarded an outstanding service award from KROS (Korea Robotics Society).
02. Dec. 2020
Congratulations! Ms. Suhyeon Lee’s paper titled “Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Semantic Segmentation by Content Transfer” was accepted for the presentation in AAAI-21. AAAI is one of the top-tier conferences on AI, and the conference will be held on Feb 2-9 in Vancouver, Canada.
15. Oct. 2020
Prof. Kim was awarded Ko Myoung-Sam prize from ICROS (Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems).
01. Aug. 2020
A new research project funded by Hyundai-MNSOFT started in 2020, Aug.
01. Sep. 2020
A new research project funded by Hyundai Motor Company started in 2020, Sep.
10. Aug. 2020
Our homepage has been renewed.
03. Jul. 2020
A paper about video object segmentation has been accepted to ECCV 2020.
21. May. 2020
A paper about video object segmentation has been accepted to CVPRW 2020.
09. May. 2020
A paper about vehicle tracking has been accepted to TITS.
18. Apr. 2020
A paper about scene recognition has been accepted to IEEE Access.
10. Apr. 2020
A paper about global localization has been accepted to IEEE Access.
06. Apr. 2020
A paper about scene recognition has been accepted to UR 2020.
04. Apr. 2020
A paper about road scene interpretation has been accepted to IV 2020.
01. Apr. 2020
We awarded a grant from LG Electronics.
03. Mar. 2020
A paper about global localization has been accepted to TII.